Thursday, December 4, 2008

POEM :: If

If you love me,
For sure I'll be love you more than you do;

If you're with me,
I promise I'll give you happiness;

If you feel alone,
Tell me, I will catch the loneliness and give it a punch,
as it shouldn't came to you;

If you need me,
I'm sure to come to you in time;

If you miss me,
I'll appear in front of you the second after you start missing me;

If you feel cold,
I'll hug you closely and give you warm;

If you feel hungry,
I'll cook for you, day and night;

If you feel sad,
I'm sure I'll be more and more sad than you do,
even you can't see it.

If you cry,
I'll be there, cause I know you need someone by your side;

But,if you hate me,
I'll go, to the end of this world and cry;

If there is no more if,
All that left in my mind is -- I love you

*writen, 22 October 2005

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